• Hey Mikey..
    What did the Eclipse look like up close?

    What does an Eclipse really mean today when the moon is just a backdrop to all the lights from Starbucks, Mcdonalds, and miles and miles of highways..

    Imagine yourself in the middle of a desert, on top of a mountain, with no lighting.

    Then relive tonights experience..

    and that Mikey, Meir Volk .. that is what the world is like without YOU.. There is a black cloud and complete darkness. “Nothing I can say.. Total Eclipse of the heart” – Yes I am a product of the 80′s.. :)

    .. on my way to a business convention for our company in Orlando.. going to help inject us with more of what you were looking for in the first place.. Longevity. Read that and weep…

    I know you are sooo angry to have this in writing, and drawing even more attention to you!! Especially since you know I can get this up high on the search engines Meir Volk .. so I will respect your wishes


    and not write anymore..

    for now..

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